So, DENSITY, VELOCITY and DISTANCE of PLANETS are co-related factors. When any one is known, other two can be computed with absolute accuracy. These three factors are mutually in Triquilibrium. This is DVdT. Solar System is balanced by DVdT. When this Triquilibrium breached, the Solar System will be ended either by dispersion or by collision. DVdT is the dominating Astrophysical and Astromatical Triangle, which balances and dominate the Solar System.

THE LAW (4): : This is Unified Law of the Solar System


(i) Unit in Kilometres

1) DENSITY BY DISTANCE : Divide 12.231 by square root of DISTANCE of Planet, result is DENSITY of planet.
2) DENSITY BY VELOCITY : Divide VELOCITY of Planet by 29.8, result is DENSITY of Planet.
3) DISTANCE BY DENSITY : Divide 149.6 by square of DENSITY of the planet, result is DISTANCE of the planet.
4) DISTANCE BY VELOCITY : Divide 132851 by Square of VELOCITY of planet, result is DISTANCE of the planet.
5) VELOCITY BY DENSITY : Multiply DENSITY of planet by 29.8, result is VELOCITY of the Planet.
6) VELOCITY BY DISTANCE: Divide 364.5 by square root of DISTANCE of the planet, result is VELOCITY of planet.

(ii) Unit in Miles.

1) DENSITY BY DISTANCE : Divide 9.638 by square root of DISTANCE of planet, result is DENSITY of Planet.
2) DENSITY BY VELOCITY : Divide VELOCITY of planet by 18.5, result is DENSITY of the Planet.
3) DISTANCE BY DENSITY : Divide 92.89 by square of DENSITY of the planet, result is DISTANCE of the planet.
4) DISTANCE BY VELOCITY : Divide 31791 by square of Velocity of planet, result is DISTANCE of the planet.
5) VELOCITY BY DENSITY : Multiply DENSITY of the planet by 18.5, result is VELOCITY of the Planet.
6) VELOCITY BY DISTANCE: Divide 178.3 by square root of DISTANCE of the planet, result is VELOCITY.

Unit in Kml : Unit in Miles:
1) Mean DISTANCE in million Klm. 1) Mean DISTANCE in million Miles.
2) VELOCITY in Klm per Second. 2) VELOCITY in Miles per Second.
3) DENSITY = Earth as 1.00 3) DENSITY = Earth as 1.00

Results obtained by above 12 formulas agree with observations.